How the Christ Age came to the Teuton-folk of Europe, and what came after.

The Teuton-folk and nations were born of frost and fire

And our ancient gods ruled in our blood, our will, and our desire

But Hunnic hordes drove us forth, implacable advance

And Roman land, it beckoned us—the walha did not stand a chance

Romanitas our respite, but Rome’s God offered paradise

Will our people still live on with the coming Age of Christ?

Emil Doepler–“Odin and Fenrir, Freyr and Surt”


When the Christ Age comes upon us,

And the sacred trees they fall

Will the Norns still spin the threads of fate?

Will your blood still heed the call?

The One God’s Son gave of His blood, the way to paradise

But Wotan through our folk lives on, and our people will survive

Emil Doepler–“Wodan Heals Balder’s Horse”

Second Verse:

Our old faith of the Æsir

Saw gods in trees and springs

And auguries and auspices we performed,

Divined knowledge of secret things

Thunder in the sky, Wise Wanderer in our midst

Will our people still live on when tradition is dismissed?


Ary Scheffer–“Charlemagne at Paderborn”

Third Verse:

The churchmen have the ears of kings

From Clovis to Carl the Great

And the earls and jarls also

Give assent to Christ’s estate

Stellinga, stalwarts, comrades, raise your arms for our old gods

Will our people still live on when the Cross becomes the law?


Johann Michael Wittmer–“Saint Boniface Felling Donar’s Oak”

Fourth Verse:

The sacred trees have fallen to Boniface’s axe

And our people all attend when the churchmen say the Mass

Cathedrals of the Christ Age, they tower high upon our land

A testament to our native will, and the power we command

The pope has called a cross-war, and like a war-band we oblige

I know our storm and drive lives on, and our people will survive


Giraudon–“Taking of Jerusalem by the Crusaders, 15th July 1099”

A thousand years the Christ Age, but all glory it must end

The thrones and altars fall to revolution, and the old gods stir again

Romanticism, nation-birth, the future looks to ancient past

And Wagner hymns awake our heritage at last

Heroes out of legend, gods and magic rings

Wagner, he awakens us with the power that he brings

(c)Michael R. Schultheiss–2021

Arthur Rackham–“Brünnhilde the Valkyrie”