These lyrics are dedicated to all who strive against the lies of a decadent and dying civilization.

A mad age is upon us,

The Lie possesses all

But idols’ twilight brings the darkness,

And Faustian spirit will stand tall

We seek true strength of spirit,

It’s found in blood and bone

A new titan kin from the land arises,

We’ll make the age our own

“Thor Battering the Midgard Serpent”/Henry Fuseli (1790)/Public Domain


This age is but a fever dream

Of chaos, blindness, pain

But as the age gives up the ghost,

So the wheel turns again

Ouroboros, worm eats tail,

The age consumed, renewed

From cradle to hearth to funeral pyre,

Old strength of gods is re-imbued


This age is all New World dreams:

The gold, the gain, the score,

Ask not for your homeland’s gain,

If your neighbor might have more

But the New World age is all a lie,

A story puppet-masters told

Turn away from their rainbow path,

And melt down their calf of gold



As New World dream unravels,

Desperation turns to rage

The fools flock to the faded standards,

They will not escape the stage

Narrative, a myth undone,

Still the blind they lead the blind

Sacrifice to their false gods,

For an ideal they’ll never find


Idol-faithful still seek delusions,

In their age of dreams gone sour

Tilting at their windmills,

Slaves to twisted cult of power

Smash the idols, heap them high

The pyre will burn bright

We’ll unmask the lies, the parasites,

Dethrone the wrong called right

We seek strength through wheel of sun,

Water, fire, wind, and earth

Advance the Midgard Serpent,

We know Ragnarök is rebirth


(c)Michael R. Schultheiss–2021

“Thor’s Fight With the Giants”/Mårten Eskil Winge/Public Domain